Islamic architecture and urbanism, 7th - 9th centuries and 17th century; medieval Islamic Iconography; modern art of the Arab world; critiques of the field.
Ph.D. Harvard University
M.A. University of Victoria
B.A. Beirut University
Nuha N. N. Khoury is a specialist in the art and architecture of the Islamic world with experience in archeology and museum work. Her research focuses on religious architecture and identity formation in early Islam, architectural epigraphy and urbanism within the frame of inter-Muslim relations, and medieval iconography.
She is the recipient of Aga Khan Associate Fellowships, the University of California President's Fellowship, and a J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship for her Constructed Ideologies and Ideal Constructions: A Socio-Architectural History of the Mosque of the Prophet in Madina. She has delivered the Orion Distinguished Lectures at the University of Victoria, B.C., and directed the U.C. Education Abroad Program in Egypt. With broad interests that include poetry and literature, she has published on children’s books and is co-author of Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition. Her work has been translated into Arabic and Spanish, and appears in Muqarnas: An Annual on Islamic Visual Culture, The International Journal of Middle East Studies, and Third Text. Current teaching and research extend to modern art of the Arab world, which she introduced in the Cambridge Companion to Modern Arab Culture. Her most recent project focuses on the transformations and connections among modern Lebanese artists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.