Alec Aldrich
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Leiden University (second year)
Sylvia Faichney
The Moore Family Fellowship in The Making of the American Landscape, The Garden Club of America
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Emma Gagnon
Graduate Humanities Research Fellowship, UCSB
Library Research Grant, The Getty Research Institute
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities, UT Austin
Short-Term Residential Fellowship, The Newberry Library
The Bancroft Library Summer Study Award, UC Berkeley
Claudia Grego March
"La Caixa" Foundation Fellowship for Post-Graduate Studies (second year)
Nisha Shanghavi
Paul Mellon Center Research Support Grant
Elizabeth Driscoll Smith
Wyeth Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA), National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (September 2024-August 2026)
Alec Aldrich
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Leiden University (September 2023‐August 2025)
Graham Feyl
American Decorative Arts Forum of Northern California Grant, The Decorative Arts Trust
Emma Gagnon
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Felicity Good
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Leiden University (second year)
Claudia Grego March
"La Caixa" Foundation Fellowship for Post-Graduate Studies (September 2023-August 2025)
Alida Jekabson
Summer Research Grant, The Decorative Arts Trust
Elizabeth Driscoll Smith
Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art, Ellen Holtzman Fellow (September 2023-August 2024)
Center for Curatorial Leadership/Mellon Foundation Seminar in Curatorial Practice (Summer 2023)
Taylor Van Doorne
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris (second year)
Rachel Winter
Collections Grant, Terra Foundation for American Art
Ali Derafshi
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Felicity Good
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Leiden University (September 2022‐August 2024)
Claudia Grego March
Graduate Humanities Research Fellowship
Samira Fathi
Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship
Graham Feyl
CASVA Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowship for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
Victoria Jennings
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree Foundation Scholarship
Matthew Limb
Tyson Scholars Program Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in American Art, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (September 2022-May 2023)
Mohammadreza Mirzaei
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Elizabeth Driscoll Smith
Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum (September 2022-August 2023)
Taylor Van Doorne
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris (September 2022‐August 2024)
UCSB Dean's Prize Teaching Fellowship
Rachel Winter
The Salwa Mikdadi Research Award, Association for Modern + Contemporary Art of the Arab world, Iran + Turkey
Ben Jameson-Ellsmore
Steve and Barbara Mendell Graduate Fellowship in Cultural Literacy, UCSB Walter H. Capps Center
Victoria Jennings
The Gulamerian Scholarship at the Classical Summer School Program, American Academy of Rome (Summer 2022)
Hannah Kagan-Moore
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation European Studies Fellowship
Matthew Limb
Douglass Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum (September 2021-August 2022)
Yun-Chen Lu
Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship at the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (September 2021-August 2022)
Claudia Grego March
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation European Studies Fellowship
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Henning von Mirbach
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship (September 2021-August 2022)
Bei Shan Tang Doctoral Thesis Grant
Sara Morris
Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship in American Craft, Smithsonian American Art Museum (September 2021-August 2022)
Taylor Van Doorne
The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Rachel Winter
Decorative Arts Trust Research Grant
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation European Studies Fellowship
Claudia Weitlanner Fellowship in the Arts, UCSB Affiliates
Summer Fellowship, UCSB Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
John Vincent Decemvirale
Faculty Fellow in Museum Studies, School of Design, Syracuse University
Felicity Good
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Utah
Samira Fathi
Summer Fellowship, UCSB Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Hannah Kagan-Moore
Middlebury German School Kress Fellowship
Matthew Limb
Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art (September 2020-August 2021)
Margaret Mansfield
Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of European Art, Leiden University (September 2020‐August 2022)
Taylor Van Doorne
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation European Studies Fellowship
Rachel Winter
Craft Research Fund Project Grant, The Center for Craft
Dissertation Research Grant, UCSB Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Sarah Bane
Joe and Wanda Corn Predoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian American Art Museum (September 2019-August 2020)
Samira Fathi
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Graduate Student Travel Grant, Iranian Studies Initiative
Yun-chen Lu
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for ROC Students Abroad (September 2019-August 2020)
Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies Doctoral Grant (September 2019-August 2020)
China and Inner Asia Council (CIAC) of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Research Travel Grant (September 2019)
Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship
Humanities/Social Science Research Grant, UCSB Graduate Division
Margaret Mansfield
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation European Studies Fellowship
Getty Library Research Grant
James Ford Bell Library Research Fellowship, University of Minnesota
Sara Morris
CASVA Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowship for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad (June 2019-May 2020)
A. Colin Raymond
Japanese Studies Doctoral Fellowship, Japan Foundation
Graduate Student Awards Archive
For a list of previous awards, download the HAA Graduate Student Awards archive .